Fr4nsson’s FFXIV Config (FFC)

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Fr4nsson’s FFXIV Config (FFC)

A complete config for FFXIV with a clean informational HUD layout. All jobs have their spells already assigned to hotbars. No files have been modified or created by third-party applications, all the files have been created and modified by the game. This is not against TOS, it is 100% safe to use.

This is a complete config for FFXIV that I’ve been working on for a very long time. It is very time consuming to figure out a good hud layout and then position all the hud elements and after that is done come up with good keybinds for your jobs, and if possible, keybinds that fits logically with other similar spells between jobs and remember, ffxiv has 18 jobs as I’m writing this (29 with professions included).

When you take all that into consideration it is not something that is easily done or something that you’d manage to do right away, it would take a lot of trial and error and you would change binds over time. I’ve done that journey for you so you can focus on playing the game instead. If you’re one that likes to fiddle around with hud and keybinds and find enjoyment in that, like I do, this is probably not for you. This is for the people that don’t wanna deal with that.

Obviously not everyone might like the layout or the keybinds, there may also be some stuff that I’ve missed or some spells that would fit better in a different slot. This is a work in progress after all. If you have any suggestions for improvements, feel free to post it.

Credits: Fr4nsson
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Have you explored Final Fantasy XIV Mods yet? Gamers from all corners of the globe are raving about the expansive selection. Just pick the file you're drawn to, integrate it with your game, and you're set! Dive into new dimensions, unveiling features and streamlining your gaming processes. The spectrum of FFXIV Mods is broad, so immerse yourself leisurely – there's no clock ticking, explore the vast horizon at your own rhythm. It's a game-changer, literally, elevating your gaming narrative to new heights. Rest assured, every Final Fantasy 14 Fr4nsson’s FFXIV Config (FFC) Mod we feature is curated for top-tier quality and strict compliance. Our commitment? Providing our community with unparalleled and top-notch mod files. We relish in granting you boundless access to an array of unique FF14 Fr4nsson’s FFXIV Config (FFC) Mod extensions, each promising a plethora of advantages. Such an edge is pivotal for staying at the forefront. If you're a player with an eye on the pinnacle, our mod files are an unmissable treasure trove.

Useful Information:
- How to Install FFXIV Mods
- FFXIV TexTools

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