Darksteel UI Reloaded

FFXIV Mods |

Darksteel UI Reloaded

ot yet updated to the 4K mode introduced in 5.5. For now, if you want to continue using this mod, disable 4K mode by going to System Configuration –> Display Settings –> High Resolution UI and selecting any of the radio buttons besides the 300% (4K) one. Sorry for the inconvenience. I’ve started work on the update, but since Spine (the creator of Darksteel) seems to have omitted some files I liked from the HD update, I’m going to have to recreate them from scratch if I want to include them. This will take a while.

The Darksteel UI mod is my personal favorite UI mod due to its partial transparency on HUD windows. However, I felt some of the assets it left unmodified didn’t fit with the aesthetic it aims for. In an attempt to fix that, I tried installing it on top of the black version of the Material UI mod, another theme I was considering switching to. I liked the result, so I’m uploading it here (with a lot of tweaks) for any fellow fans of minimalist dark themes.

All textures included are either from Material UI, Darksteel UI, or my own edits to keep the theme cohesive. All Material UI -OPTIONS- files should be fully compatible with this mod.

Obviously I’ll remove this at either mod maker’s request.

Install using TexTools 2. – https://www.ff14mods.com/ffxiv-textools

Credits: Grey
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Useful Information:
- How to Install FFXIV Mods
- FFXIV TexTools

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